FIS Licensing#

Ruslan Reiter competes at the Paralympic Winter Games Beijing 2022. (Photo by Mark Reis/USOPC)

FIS Para Nordic License Renewal
Athletes who have been licensed in previous years and need to renew the license, must complete the following steps.

1. Pay License fee of $30USD by VISA Card Only or email USOPC Classification Manager at for additional payment options.

2. Scan and email a completed and signed FIS Athlete Declaration to (must have original signature-no electronic signatures will be accepted).

3. Athletes who have an international classification status of New, Review, or Review 2024 must submit medical documentation and supporting documents before you can be licensed. 

Physical Impairment Medical Diagnostics Form

Visual Impairment Medical Diagnostics Form

FIS Para Nordic New License Application
Athletes who have not been licensed must complete the following five steps (All steps must be completed before an athlete can be licensed). 

In order to attain a FIS para Nordic license for the 2023-2024 season, athletes must be born in 2008 or earlier. This age requirement also applies to international classification. 

1. Scan and email a completed and signed FIS Athlete Declaration to (must have original signature-no electronic signatures will be accepted).

2. Email a copy of your passport. FIS requires a passport or passport card as proof of citizenship. Scan the informational page of your passport (the one with your photo), save it as a PDF, and email it to Tyler Carter at

3. Email a recent headshot photo (photos MUST: have a white or light blue background, not include headgear, dark glasses and hair bands on the athlete and have the head of the athlete looking face-on). Email the photo to Tyler Carter at

4. Submit a copy of your Medical Diagnostics Form. Your doctor must fill out the paperwork and attach supporting documentation. This form can be emailed to USOPC Classification Managerat

Physical Impairment Medical Diagnostics Form

Visual Impairment Medical Diagnostics Form

5. Pay License fee of $30 USD by VISA Card Only or email USOPC Classification Manager at for additional payment options.

If you do not have access to a scanner, you can mail the information to: 

         USOPC - Paralympic Division,
         Attn: Classification Manager
         One Olympic Plaza,
         Colorado Springs, CO 80909. 

NOTE: Only licensed athletes will be eligible to have their results submitted for consideration on the FIS world and regional ranking lists as well as for world and regional record applications. Please note that athletes who are not licensed will not be eligible for the National Team nor will you be eligible to be classified at a FIS Event. The FIS license is valid from the time of application through the end of that calendar year. The license will expire at the end of each calendar year and must be renewed to carry over from one year to the next.

For the current list of FIS licensed para Nordic skiers, please check the FIS Classification Masterlist.

If you have any questions, please email USOPC Classification Manager Tyler Carter at